Like the Old Smithy, 2 Plumbs Cottages
had been purchased by the Council but left to decline.
In the mid 1990s the Borough Council indicated
to the Society that a lease would be available on the Cottage
provided the restoration was undertaken by the Society. Fund
raising began in earnest and with the help of substantial
Heritage Lottery Funding and funds granted by Cory Environmental
Trust and the Borough Council, alongside the many donations
from local people and visitors the work began.
Unfortunately though it was too late for
the Cottage and upon the builders T Mann Ltd commencing work
the rotten nature of the construction was revealed and the
building collapsed.
So a restoration project turned into a
rebuilding project and planning permission had to be sought
which inevitably lead to delays but once that hurdle was over
work moved on apace until in May 2007 the Cottage was finished
both inside and out and can now be visited, free of charge.
The original cottage was built in the mid
1850s and the internal refurbishment has recreated that period
for the visitor with all the sights, smells and noises of
a busy fisherman’s cottage and village.
The grand opening in May 2007 was very
well attended, particularly by descendants of the last family
to live in the cottage, the Burders – it was wonderful
for them and us to see something so characteristic and symbolic
of Old Leigh come back to life.
Today Plumbs Cottage has given the
Heritage Centre and the centre of Old Leigh a new lease of
life and our thanks go to all who had a hand in the project.