The Leigh Society regularly receives queries from people with
connections to Leigh for information about Leigh families
Carole Mulroney has over many years been
collecting and disseminating information about the Leigh families,
most of whom she has a connection to. Carole now has a database
of over 23,000 people who in some way – however distant,
have a connection to Leigh. She is more than happy to help
anyone who is looking for their Leigh roots and can be contacted
Carole has access to the parish registers
and census returns and many
other sources.
Just to give you a flavour of how the Leigh
families have intermarried over the years Carole has calculated
from the entries in the parish registers and taking just 2
old Leigh families, the Cotgroves and the Osbornes from the
1690s to 1899, that there were 77 Cotgrove marriages, 52 of
which were to a spouse also from Leigh, 7 of them to other
Cotgroves and 4 to Osbornes. Of the 49 Osborne marriages 22
were to Leigh spouses. So for just 2 families there are 74
marriages in 200 years where it is reasonably certain when
checked against the parish registers and the census that the
spouse was also from Leigh.
So there is plenty to keep the genealogist
occupied in Leigh.
If you have connections to a Leigh family
or an interesting tale to tell about Leigh please get in touch
with Carole.
Many of the families are featured
in our newsletter ‘Leighway’ and archive copies
can be accessed via the web site.